Primary 1- 23/4/2020
Good morning Primary 1!
I hope you are having a lovely week at home working through your tasks for this week and most importantly keeping yourself safe with your family.
Please remember Education City and SUMDOG also have fun tasks for you to complete.
Over the last few weeks, lots of people have been going outside at 8pm on a Thursday evening and clapping for all our wonderful doctors, nurses, care workers and key workers who are all working so hard to keep us all safe during this time. Today you could create a Rainbow Fingerprint picture to give to someone you know working to keep us safe or put in a window of your house for everyone to see.
Today is also Day 11 of the LEGO challenge, you’ll need your best building skills for this one today or else Captain Hook will make you walk the plank!
Happy building and painting today!
Miss McCullagh