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P2 Home Learning

Good morning Primary 2! Hope you’ve had a relaxing long weekend.

Well done to everyone who took part in the sumdog task last week. It was great to see so many of you taking on the challenge. Look out for more sumdog challenges soon.

This week in Education city I have put together a few subtraction games to do along with a PlayLive game at the end. I wonder who you can find to play against.

There is also ‘aw’ (as in paw and claw) spelling games to try in the homework section along with a days of the week spelling game.

If you’re looking for more, why not try BBC Bitesize where they have put together daily lessons for you to work through.

Today has some measuring length and height in maths, using capital letters and full stops in english work and there’s some geography too where you can learn about Oceania and Australia.

Keep busy.

Mr Benyon

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