Primary 1- Home Learning 22/6/2020
Good Morning Primary 1!
I can’t quite believe it is our last week before the Summer holidays and your last week as Primary 1! Although it has not been the end to the year that we would have wanted, I would like you all to know how proud I am of you all! You have all worked so hard on your home learning with your families and I have loved hearing from you on our check in/ check out forms!
This week we have another exciting ‘trip’ as we are going camping!
Home Learning Week Beginning 22nd June 2020- Camping Week
There are also literacy and numeracy tasks on Sumdog and Education City for you to complete this week!
Today is day 20 of our ‘Doodle Challenges’ 30-days-of-doodles challenge
Have a fantastic week P1, remember to stay safe and keep in touch using the ‘check in/ check out’ forms!
Missing you all lots!
Miss McCullagh