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Primary 1, Primary 2/1 and Primary 2 Updated Dismissal Arrangements.

Good evening.

Dear parents/carers.

We would like to thank you for your cooperation, as we implement the staggered end to the school day for the children of our  infant department.  We appreciate it takes more time than usual. However, it is an essential requirement to ensure the safety of all.  As such, we would like to remind parents/carers of the arrangements for dismissal.

The children will be dismissed in the following order;

P2- Mr Benyon, followed by P1- Miss McCullagh and finally, P2/1- Mrs Warner.  Please stand back from the allocated dismissal zone until it is your child’s turn to be collected. Staff will inform you when it is your turn to move forward and collect your child.

There will be a clearly marked waiting area, located on the grass, at the Zebra crossing, in front of the large gates, leading to the top staff car park.   We ask that you adhere to physical distancing requirements around the school building.

Signage will be in place to remind parents of the arrangements and staff will be available to assist.

Thank you for your continued support at this time.

School Staff

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