P4-7 Return to School
Dear Parent/carer,
We are looking forward to the return of our P4-7 pupils on Monday 15th March. Our initial focus will be on health and well-being, re-establishing relationships and building confidence.
We have safety as our main priority and have procedures in place to keep everyone safe. Staff have access to Lateral Flow Test kits, will be wearing face coverings and adhering to the 2m distance advice. Pupils will work in their groupings and have allocated seats in the classroom, dining room and on school transport. Regular handwashing will be encouraged and hand sanitizer stations are in place in each class and in social areas. Pupils will have access to disinfectant surface wipes to wipe their resources and work space after use. Pupils travelling on school transport are requested to wear face coverings unless exempt.
In the morning, Primary 4-7 pupils will enter the playground through the main gate in front of the school and enter the playground at the side. Access to the Breakfast Club will be through the senior playground. Pupils can play in their zone until the bell rings at 8.45 am. They will be collected by their teacher and enter a class at a time. At the end of the day, classes will be dismissed a class at a time and brought to the main gate by staff. Parents should wait on the footpath opposite the school. This is the same process we used between August and December. Please remember to wear a face covering and stay 2m apart from others.
PE will be outside, so please ensure the children are dressed for the weather conditions. Rooms will be well ventilated and pupils may wish to wear a fleece or extra layer on colder days. Please do not sent the children to school if they are unwell or if a family member has booked a test or is awaiting test results.
There is no parking for parents at the school, please park in neighbouring streets and walk to the school. Please consider access for local residents and refrain from blocking driveways. The fenced area in front of the school is for staff parking only and should never be used to drop off/pick up pupils from nursery or school.
We are busy preparing for the children’s return and look forward to seeing them on Monday.
Yours sincerely
Frances Burns