Primary 1- Monday 1/6/2020
Good Morning Primary 1!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, enjoyed the lovely sunshine and are ready for another week of home learning!
On the BLOG, there are a ‘check in’ and ‘check out’ forms for P1 to let me know how you are all feeling and getting on with your home learning activities! These can be completed daily, every couple of days or weekly!
It would be lovely to hear from as many of you as possible as often as you can! Ideally the ‘check in’ would be completed each morning and the ‘check out’ later on in the day. However if daily isn’t always possible then please complete whenever it is suitable for you and your child.
Here are your BLOG tasks for this week! I hope you all have lots of fun completing them!
Home Learning Week beginning 1st June 2020
There are also numeracy and literacy tasks on Education City and SUMDOG! On SUMDOG this week we have a numeracy competition, you are in 2 teams! The Superstars and the Megastars! Good luck!
Today is day 5 on the ‘doodle challenges’. I hope you are all enjoying them!
Have a great day and remember to stay safe!
Miss McCullagh