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Primary 1- Monday 8/6/2020

Good Morning P1!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are ready for another week of home learning. Please remember all tasks do not have to be completed- this includes online tasks too. Just do what you can!

Here are your blog tasks for this week- I hope you enjoy them!

Home Learning Week beginning 8th June 2020

There are also numeracy and literacy tasks on Education City and a maths and spelling competition on Sumdog.

Today is day 10 of the ‘doodle challenges’. 30-days-of-doodles challenge

Please continue to complete the ‘check in’ and ‘check out’ forms on the blog as often as you can- I love hearing about all your daily activities!

Missing you all lots! Please remember to keep washing your hands and stay safe!

Have a fantastic week P1!

Miss McCullagh

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