Primary 2 Home Learning
Good morning Primary 2. Hope you have all had a great weekend.
This week in Education City I have created a few reading activities for you to have a go at. Play through ‘Balloon Ride’ by reading the word and dragging the correct basket into place. Then have a go at ‘Spelling in the Drizzle’ where you have to put the sounds into the correct order.
In the homework MyCity there are the phonemes ‘ou’ and ‘igh’ to learn about. Play ‘Mouse in the House’, ‘Fright in the Night’ and ‘Manu on Mars’ to practise those 2 sounds.
I have also created a new maths challenge over in SumDog. So if you’re up to the challenge head over to SumDog and see if you can complete the addition and subtraction questions!
Good luck.
Mr Benyon