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Primary 1- Friday 12th June 2020

Happy Friday P1!

Congratulations! You have made it to the end of another week of home learning! You are all doing a great job with your learning at home, well done!

Today I would like you to complete the weekly blog tasks, Education City and Sumdog! Please also continue to complete the ‘check ins’ and ‘check outs’ whenever you can!

Today is day 13 of our ‘doodle challenges’ and I bet you can trick someone at home with today’s challenge! Look at the pictures below to help you! This is Wally and he hides in busy pictures like the one below, can you find him in it?

Today you have to draw ‘Wally’ and hide him in a picture! Can anyone in your house find him in your picture? 30-days-of-doodles challenge

Have a fantastic weekend Primary 1!

Miss McCullagh

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