Primary 1- Monday 15th June 2020
Good Morning Primary 1!
I hope you have had a great weekend and are ready for another week of home learning!
This week of home learning looks very different from our previous weeks! This week we are taking a trip! A virtual trip that is to… Disney!
Disney Virtual Trip Week Beginning 15th June 2020
The trip has been split into days however as before, you do not have to complete all tasks and the days are only there as a guide- they do not need to be completed in any order! I hope you all have a great time this week on our virtual trip!
There are also lots of fun literacy and numeracy activities on Education City and Sumdog for you to complete this week!
I know lots of you enjoy the Cosmic Kids Yoga and PE with Joe Wicks so you can also continue to take part in these activities if you wish to do so!
Today is Day 15 of the ‘doodle challenges’ and I know you will all have lots of great ideas to choose from for this challenge today!
Have a fantastic day P1 and please remember to complete the ‘check in/ check out’ forms on the blog when you can, your messages make me smile!
Miss McCullagh