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Primary 3


What a quick term this has been, I hope you all enjoy the September break!

We have been busy getting back into the swing of things in Primary 3 and I have been super impressed with everyone so far!

We have been learning how to logon to the laptops with our own username and password. This was tricky to start with but we have been showing our school value of Perseverance and trying hard. We will continue to work toward becoming more independent.

Our topic of Egypt has kept us all very interested. We have been learning lots of different facts about what life was like in ancient Egypt.

This week on the leader board for SumDog was:

1st Aine

2nd Cayden

3rd Iris

Well done to everyone who took part! A great effort by lots of individuals.

There is a September holiday weekend competition set up in SumDog and in Prodigy, let’s see who can be this week’s winners!

All children have been sent home with login details for both SumDog and Prodigy.

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