Good morning,
It was great to welcome our P1-P3 pupils back to school today. The children are all settled and are enjoying being back in class with their friends and teacher. Thank you also, to the parents, for maintaining the required 2m distance and not congregating at the school gates. Please continue to do so, to prevent the spread of the virus and to keep us all safe.
A reminder, that when you are collecting your child at the end of the day, you follow the same format as you did before the holidays and wait until you are called forward to collect your child. Only one person is permitted to collect their child. We ask that you also respect the safety of the staff, by maintaining a 2m physical distance at all times. We regret that staff are unable to chat with parents when handing over children. If for any reason, you do require to speak to your child’s teacher, please call the school office on, 01501 740452 and arrangements will be made for your child’s teacher to call you back.
Again, thank you for your continued support and understanding at this time.