October Update
A huge welcome back after our mid-term break. We hope to continue the hard work and success we have had since the start of term. The children have settled well into their new routines and are making great progress.
We welcome also, our new members of staff, Mr Paton-Day, P5 and Miss Coleman, P3/2. We are sure they will enjoy their time here in St. Joseph’s.
During the October holidays, Miss Duffy was married during a beautiful ceremony, surrounded by family and friends. She returns, as the new Mrs Fraser. We wish her and her husband well.
We would like to congratulate, Mrs Thomson and her family on the birth of her new baby boy, Riley. Mum and baby are doing well!
We would like to thank you for the positive response to Parental consultations, your support is very much appreciated.
During this term, extracurricular clubs will commence. Further details of what is on offer will follow, once the details have been confirmed.
Dates for your diary have been attached and we are hopeful that further Christmas celebrations will take place. However, this is dependent on the Covid-19 mitigations that are constantly under review.
As always, the school is supporting the West Lothian Foodbank this year. A list of requested items is attached. The final day for donations is 12th November 2021.
Mrs. Mooney